We know that we are all on a faith journey. Being a Christian is not easy and it is not all done in a day. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, the journey begins. None of us are perfect, but with Christ in our lives we are being perfected every day. That is the nature of the journey.

In walking our faith out, we need some sign-posts that tell us where we are and how we are doing. Our vision captures that in three steps; Open, Embrace, and Link. We share this because we want to welcome you into greater intimacy with God and join in with you on that journey.

So, all of this is summed up in our vision and we hope that you can find a spiritual home here at SOZO Loveland.

“We open our hearts to embrace one another and link together for the kingdom”

Our values


spirit led

The Holy Spirit is in the Earth today to lead us into the wisdom of God, and guide every step of our lives

Bible Based

The Bible is the inerrant Word of God and the foundation of what we believe and what we teach.


The family is the foundation not only of the kingdom but of the ability of Christians to become mature.

preference free

God is not a respecter of persons. He does not favor one group over another. and backgrounds.


Christ is the head of the Church and each church is given a unique role and purpose in His overall plan

team based, body oriented

Each member is a vital part of the ability of the local church to achieve its mission.


Each generation has something to give to the next and receive from the last.



Our walk with God is both our experience and our reality. We use our faith to establish our unique voice and to encourage others in their walk with God.

OPEN HEARTS & MINDS (1 Cor 6:11)

We relate to others like Jesus would, welcoming and accepting them as they are and allowing God to mold them into what He wants.


Our goal is to know and to be known as scripture instructs, so that we can grow in relationship with God and with other people.


We are active members of the body, accepting our call to build the kingdom and the local church. We consider that work important and we hold ourselves to a high standard in walking that mission out.

GOD-GROUNDED (2 Tim 3:16-17)

We have a sober appreciation for knowledge & scripture, pursuing it regularly and sharing it with one another so that we continue to grow.

KINGDOM-MINDED (1 Thess 1:5-6)

We serve as ambassadors of God, knowing that we are living examples to others of what that kingdom is about and how they can and should grow in it.


Always look forward with great expectations, positive words, and an unwillingness to simply go with the flow or live after tradition. God’s passion fills us, and we let it flow out onto others.