Ways to Give

As a church we do not spend beyond what God provides on a weekly basis


In Person

Come worship with us!

We give together every Sunday morning, personally bringing our offerings to the altar.



Mobile app

Text PUSHPAY to 77977 to download the app and select SOZOLOVELAND as the payees.

From Your Desk

On your computer

Visit our custom church link by clicking below

On The Go

smart phone

Text SOZOLOVELAND to 77977 to go direct to our paying location and make your offering online

Grocery Shopping

Community Rewards

Kroger Community Rewards® makes fund-raising easy.
Enter code 82309 when you register your Plus Card here.



AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. Support SOZO by starting your shopping at smile.amazon.com.


Community in Christ

One of the realizations that we made this year is that we are completely disconnected from our community. People drive by us every day and we do little to engage them or care about their lives.

As we form our vision for the future we know that loving our community is a critical part of loving GOD. But that also gives us a compelling reason to get the word out locally as we grow the church. 

We do not believe it is productive to simply work in the community without offering people a chance to know Jesus and to connect with the body of Christ. We are not ashamed of the gospel or of one another. We can lift both up because we are all fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image. So we celebrate both who we are and what we can offer the community.

If you are the kind of person who enjoys serving others, can see the needs around you, and want to make an impression on the community we invite you to work on one of the following community projects:


do good mission

Team Leaders: Will & Jess Stevenson


The Princesses Ballet

Team Leader: Tara Peele

Cross-Church Collaborative

Team Leader: Stephen Peele Sr.

Living / Learning Center

Team Leader: Nancy Tubbs


Contact the Team Leader to learn more!