No Longer Tolerate a Challenge

Ephesians 4:15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:

Scripture says that in the last days men will no longer tolerate sound doctrine. In other words, believing their own interpretations of truth that they will actually run from and ignore what is true. They will not like being challenged by others and will desire to be around people who believe what they believe. You might think that is something to feel sorry for, but in fact it will be an act of will, where there is no excuse. People will become polarized and comfortable in that divided state and it will affect entire nations as we see that happening.

God on the other hand, is a GOD who commands us to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. He has no time for lies or half-truths because He knows that these mislead people. They in fact send people to hell so it is important to Him that truth be honored and adhered to, even when it hurts. Truth does not rely on how you “feel about it” it relies on what can be shown to be real and accurate. People who search for the truth find GOD quickly so long as they do not harbor resistance to that truth in their hearts.

There is a way to guard against a resistance to truth, and it is to “resist giving or recieveing offence”. God commands us to keep our hearts in two very important ways. In the first he commands us “not to offend” which means to do things decently and with a pure heart. That has everything to do with how you position yourself to share what you know to be true. The second is “not to become offended” in which case you position your heart to remain pure even if there is a reason not to. It is a perfect plan. If we master both of them, our chances of resolving conflicts in our lives (you will not be able to avoid all of them) improves. The trouble that is inevitable will not escalate and resolving our differences (peace-making) will make us closer friends and family members.

"I do not believe that GOD intended for His people to become insulated from one another, nor did He intend for us to become so timid that we cannot say what is on our hearts."

When we are willing to practice both of these, then the chances of discord and disunity are minimized. That is the goal, that we walk in unity even when we are not in agreement. I do not believe that GOD intended for His people to become insulated from one another, nor did He intend for us to become so timid that we cannot say what is on our hearts. Our GOD is truth so our ability to embrace truth is one of the keys to our spiritual growth.

The day we become unwilling to hear the truth is the day we stop growing and the day the enemy erects the stronghold of self-deception in our lives. This is the day our love grows cold for one another. Learn to resist that more than you resist the words of others and you will prosper in spite of any of the enemy’s plans!