life is better, together

We are very excited to announce that we will be launching SOZO Groups in August. The goal is to begin bringing people together to embrace one another across the generations. The first two groups will be a Men's and Women's group. Each will be launched through a special event and we are hoping you will come help us make these groups something special. It will be a unique opportunity for us to come together across generations to build closer connections! Check out the details for each group launch below.



Join us on Saturday, August 31st for szn one of our first ever SOZO Men’s Group. We will meet at Main Event Entertainment located in West Chester. We plan to meet around 5:00PM for fellowship, and then will begin eating at 5:30PM. After we eat you will then have a choice of bowling, or playing arcade games! We are encouraging men of all ages to come, so invite and/or bring as many men as you would like. We cannot wait to see you!


women’s group

Join us on Thursday, September 12th for szn one of our SOZO Women’s Group. We will meet at SOZO Loveland Church around 7:00PM for a time of fellowship, + light refreshments, and then we will head into the night with a follow up discussion regarding the movie, The Matrix so be sure to bring a journal. We are encouraging women of all ages to come, so invite and/or bring as many women as you would like. We cannot wait to see you!