SOZO Loveland

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7 Days of Purposeful Prayer (Day 1)

Day 1: July 1, 2024

Theme: God rules over all of mankind

Scripture: Psalm 22:27-28 (NASB) All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the LORD, And all the families of the nations will worship before You. For the kingdom is the LORD'S And He rules over the nations.

Day to day, it is easy to forget that God is still in charge. he has been from the beginning and will be until the end of days. Men do what they want daily and we think that God neither sees nor cares. We go about our business and rarely look up. We get really angry about others when they do things we disagree with, forgetting that God is still over it all.

This is why being reminded each day that God is still in charge and will never let go of that authority, does two things for our own hearts.

  1. we stop getting so angry when things do not go our way

  2. we go to Him for solutions in all things

Prayer in Action:

Here are some things we can pray for together.

  1. not only would we submit to His authority but also our nation

  2. that we would not grow weary (or angry) as we pray for His will for this nation

  3. we would be willing to let His will be done, not ours

Prayer in Unity:

"Heavenly Father we ask that you rule over this nation in all of its decisions. We want you to show us your will so we can pray for that together as a body. We ask that you correct us all so as we submit to you, we come into unity and can pray with power. Thank you for continuing to care for this nation and its blessings, may all of the people within her prosper and grow in their knowledge of who you are, so you get the glory for our blessings. Stay over us Lord, correct us, and guide us in your will, Amen!"