SOZO Loveland

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What Lies Ahead?

Our natural tendency as Pastors is to see the future as something positive.

I believe God designs that into the Pastoral gift and it is there to be an encouragement to the body of Christ. It is an essential ingredient in the faith life of believers because the Devil often tries to obscure and hide what God is doing on our behalf. If he can steal your joy then he can steal your blessing. We refuse to let him do that to us. We believe the future is bright and we know that we have not seen the fullness of God's promises quite yet. Stay tuned because there is more to come! 

Much like the children of Israel being led in the desert they needed to hold true to the promise God made them in order to make it through to see the promise fulfilled. You have planted into this ministry for many years and you can be assured that the fruit of this ministry is due to your faithfulness. Tara and I thank you for that love and support, but also know that there is more fruit to be realized in this ministry. 

Tara and I look at our lives and see we have been so blessed to have our family members close and working together to glorify God. Our children know the love of God and can see through our lives how we can chase after God in everything we do. We do it in part to share that experience with you and to grow together as a community. It costs us something but we know the harvest is worth it. In our hearts we know that the harvest is not yet as full as we know it will be. The past is great, but the future is even better when you walk with God, doing His will, and following His call! 

So if you asked us what lies ahead for this church we would paint the following picture;

  • A vital and thriving ministry to the young

  • A growing ministry of healing and spiritual gift development

  • A relevant connection and outreach to our community

  • A relevant and dynamic discipleship ministry

  • A care ministry that extends from the poor to our own elders

This is what a five-fold gifted ministry produces and continues to provide to the community for many years to come. Yes, we are building something based upon the last several years of learning and growth and repair. Nothing is wasted in God's heart, so we should look forward knowing that what lies ahead is the product of what God has already brought us through!

The past is great, but the future is even better when you walk with God, doing His will and following His call!

Our Confession in Prayer!

Join us in the following prayer of unity before the Lord:

"Heavenly Father, we know that you have a high calling for us all. We also know you are the God of the second, the third and the fourth chances. You are always willing to continue to help us no matter what mistakes we make and because of that, we can always trust and rely upon you.

Lord, let us hold fast to the confession of your promises toward us and not grow weary in doing well so that in due season we will reap if we faint not. Bring in the mighty harvest Lord by giving us the strength to pray, to persevere, and to maintain a positive perspective on the things we see. 

Thank you Lord for the fruit of this ministry and the faithfulness of the the people in it. May our words and actions all glorify you and make you proud of our work.

In Jesus' name we pray, Amen!"